Don't forget:
Consumers are sharp and oftentimes leery of conducting business online.
Mistakes equate to second rate service and a second rate perception
could mean a loss for your business.
It is always a good idea to have your web content professionally reviewed,
and by electing to use our services we can further help you to build
a successful web site.
Check out our Web Content Services:
Review text for complete accuracy, correct spelling and punctuation, and style/consistency.
Comparative Proofreading Compare two versions of text/pages to ensure that no deviations have been
made from one version to the other.
Review text at same level as proofreading, but also implement small textual
changes, such as incorrect grammar usage and syntax.
Substantive Editing/Writing
Involves light to heavy editing of documents, sometimes including substantial
rewriting. Also critiques for clarity, style, organization, syntax, and cohesion.
Writing involves creating new text from your general ideas and/or rewriting
poorly organized or awkwardly written text.
From and into English, Russian, Hungarian, German, French, Italian, Spanish
and other european languages.
For additional information and more references
please visit our new web site at
Artsiter Media is now
a member of Artamax Creative Design Group
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