ArtSiter Media Homepage
Site Design and Launching, Budapest, Hungary
Web site launching, web design, promotion, search engines submission, hosting Web site launching, web design, promotion, search engines submission, hosting

Interactive CD-ROM / Demos / Training

Interactive CD-ROMs present numerous sales advantages for today's businesses.

Whether in the hands of trained salespeople or customers, CD-ROMs communicate your company's message by combining text, audio, video and graphic animations. Each presentation is a complete multimedia experience, with the viewer getting a detailed look into the benefits of working with your company.

Some of the uses for a CD-ROM presentation are as follows: All CD-ROM presentations we create are PC and Macintosh compatible and in full screen with high resolution graphics. Sizes vary from 40 to 700 Mbytes depending on the size of the presentation.

For additional information and more references
please visit our new web site at

Web site launching, web design, promotion, search engines submission, hosting

Artsiter Media is now a member of Artamax Creative Design Group

WebPromocio - search engine optimization, marketing, search engine promotion and submission firm


  Since 1998. Artamax Studio | | Contact Us | Magyarul

WebPromocio - search engine optimization, marketing, search engine promotion and submission firm

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