Once a customer has found you through the web, it is important that
everything is done to retain that customer. There are 3 major aspects
to keep the customer on your page:
Keep your customers online for as long as possible.
Repeat visits:
Keep them coming back as often as possible - Favourites, games,
chat rooms, newsletters, latest news, etc.
Get as much information from them as possible in terms of contacts, likes, dislikes, etc.
These are just a few techniques that can help to retain customers:
Regular updates:
If you never update the site, why should they come back to you?
E-mail Newsletters:
Keep your customers informed about what is happening by sending them newsletters detailing new product information, special offers etc.
Trade news feeds:
Make your site provide up to the minute information about what is happening in your industry or in the world generally.
Free articles and reports:
Keep customers interested by putting relevant articles and reports on your site for them to download. This also helps to establish you as an authority in your particular subject.
Free Electronic Greeting Cards:
The idea is that the recipient of an Electronic Card will visit your web site to pick it up. If you want to give them a try, you could get some here.
We can help to make changes on your pages to ensure that your visitors come back
again and again.
Artsiter Media is now
a member of Artamax Creative Design Group
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