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Bicycle! Bicycle! Bicycle!

Believe it or not, Budapest is an excellent city to traverse by bicycle, a) if you have nerves of steel or b) if you follow the numerous bike paths. My favorite path is along Andrássy út, which leads straight to City Park — solely because of the tiny bike-sized, bike-shaped traffic signals. Sadly, in this city where not even sidewalks are sacred, it is grievous but hardly anomalous to find this lovely bike path cluttered with parked cars. (Sigh!) Let's hurry and get to the parks. For a lazy Sunday ride, City Park is perfect. It is closed to cars on weekends, and there is plenty of space for both pedestrians and bikers on the numerous internal paths. A visit to the Transport Museum on this day makes an appropriate interlude, where ancient wooden bicycles, early model automobiles and old steam trains are exhibited. By comparison, Margit Island is much too small and crowded. Head towards the next island in the Danube instead: Hajógyári sziget. Famed for the summer Pepsi Sziget Festival, it also has a golf driving range, a horse riding farm and a charming csárda (called Ladik) overlooking the Danube.

A highly recommended destination is Római Part further north along the Danube. The entire 12 km trip is accessible via path including some old factory roads, slightly neglected for a teeth rattling “off-road” effect. Upon arrival at the “mini-beach” you'll find docks leading over the water and more importantly a full carnival's worth of snack stands: ice cream, lángos, sausages, french fries, etc. (The journey is long enough to warrant a snack.) This trip is perfect for a family
outing, but also easily managed solo by a gang of biker kids. The full 20-kilometer trek to Szentendre, estimated at two hours, is excellent and also recommended. However, please note these three things: the bike path mingles with lazy country roads when heading north, which can be confusing; I've twice lost the path on the way back leaving me with no choice but to join the traffic. The HÉV accepts bicycles for the cost of a ticket.

First Aid for Simple Bleeding
  • Wash your hands before and after giving first aid.
  • Calm and reassure the injured person. Get them to sit or lie down (to prevent fainting).
  • Remove any obvious debris or dirt from a superficial wound; wash it with soap and warm water.
  • Apply direct pressure with a bandage, clean cloth, or even a piece of clothing (or use your hand).
  • Elevate the wounded limb “over the heart”
  • Maintain pressure until the bleeding stops. If bleeding continues and seeps through the material being held on the wound, do not remove it. Add another cloth over the first one.
  • Use Pressure Point Bleeding to control heavier bleeding. In the case of an injury on the hand or lower arm, squeeze the main artery in the upper arm against the bone. Keep your fingers flat. With the other hand, continue to exert pressure on the wound itself.

Top ten responses to the #1 question:

I don't know ...nothing
—after the above question
He made me!
—after anything that involves an older brother
We were having so much fun
—after anything else
I was rock climbing
—after an attempt to scale the bathroom wall over the towel bar
But it was really windy
—after a Mary Poppins video and a leap off the balcony with an umbrella
I didn't think that would happen
—just before learning the definition of 'accident'
I thought I would just try it
—after an attempt to ride a bicycle down a flight of stairs
I wanted to see if it was still hot
—after touching a just-extinguished stove burner
I wanted to know how it worked
—after sticking two screwdrivers into an electrical outlet
I didn't think it would hurt
—after all of the above

1015 Budapest, Hattyu utca 14, Hattyuhaz, Fifth Floor, Tel: +36 1 224-9090  Click here to see the map.   
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